Фолклористика у школи – акредитовани стручни скуп

Наставница српског језика и књижевности из наше школе Верица Костић један је од аутора акредитованог стручног скупа „Фолклористика у школи”. Коаутори скупа су и Данијела Ковачевић Микић, просветни саветник и председница Удружења „Чувари дела Вука Караџића”, Милица Милошевић, наставник српској језика и књижевности у ОШ „Свети ђакон Авакум” из Трнаве и доктор наука Данијела Поповић Николић, професор на Филозофском факултету Универзитета у Нишу.  

Стручни скуп је одржан 11. децембра 2021. године у Великој сали Дома културе у Чачку. Приоритетна област стручног усавршавања на коју се скуп односи је унапређење компетенција наставника у области планирања и реализације наставе оријентисане на исходе (подизање нивоа методичких знања релевантних за циљеве и исходе предмета/области). 

На почетку скупа учесницима је предстваљен пројекат „Расковник – млади чувари српске народне културе” од стране Данијеле Ковачевић Микић. Проф. др Данијела Поповић Николић говорила на тему „Теренска фолклористичка истраживања (методологија, литература, значај)”. 

Наставница Верица Костић говорила је на тему „Ткачка лексика, девојачка спрема и свадбени обичаји из прошлости села Прилике и околине – рад ученика лингвистичке секције”. Она је представила пример из праксе, односно теренска истраживања реализована током пројкета „Расковник” у нашој школи са члановима лингвистичке секције. 

Учесници скупа су имали прилику да виде бројне могућности за теренска истраживања у школи, кроз пројкете и пројектну наставу.


Meet up with Cuban Submit Order Birdes-to-be

Meeting a Cuban mailbox order star of the wedding is a simple method. You’ll need to get a reputable internet site and produce a profile. This permits you to speak https://www.mailorderbridescanada.com/cuban-brides/ with prospective brides, so be sure to provide all the information as it can be. It’s far better to give more info . than significantly less, because this can help potential wedding brides learn more about you. After you’ve signed up with a website, you’ll need to start off communicating with Cuban mail buy wives.

The Cuban -mail order wedding brides are usually teen, and have physically active life. They will enjoy physical activities and lively rest, plus they work out. They’re always looking for a way to look all their greatest. They love the beach, of course, if you’re able to look for a Cuban new bride with whom to spend your free time, this really is a great way to spend the day. Nevertheless , you should be careful once meeting Cuban brides, as they have large expectations.

The greatest thing about these women of all ages is that they’re young, and they are ready to start a family which has a man. The majority of cuban young ladies are 10 years younger than all their partners, and in addition they don’t mind dating and also the. Actually they like meeting fresh men from other countries. They’re as well open to reaching men from other cultures, and the men that they meet will assist change all their perception on the planet. Even though they’re young, you’ll find older men who are prepared to marry these people.

While the volume of women via Cuba readily available for marriage actually the most attractive on the globe, the quality of the ladies on these websites can still become a good meet. Many of them live in perfect mental and physical health, and are generally not fearful to gain a few pounds. Regardless of the type of woman to get trying to find, you’re sure to find the perfect match in Cuba. They’re ready to choose your fantasies an actuality.

Cuban snail mail order brides can be strenuous. Don’t be misled by their allure. They’re just simply looking for a long-term relationship, and they’re certainly not gold-diggers. They have high specifications and anticipate respect, dignity, and attention. It’s hard not to become surprised by the attitudes from the women in these countries. The only thing you will need to do is meet all of them and see simply how much you’re appropriate.

Cuban deliver order wedding brides are devoted and genuine. The women in these countries happen to be tolerant of differences, and their personalities match well with men. Frequently , Cuban -mail order wedding brides introduce their sweethearts to their parents after a couple of conferences. Their long lasting relationships happen to be stable and serious. Even though these women of all ages may be a little different from different cultures, they are generally very hospitable. In addition to being a superb match for your partner, you will find a wonderful knowledge.

The way to select a Specific Kind of Russian Bride-to-be

If you’re men looking for a wife, then you need to choose a specific kind of Russian bride. These types of women tend to have strong valuations and marry for the right factors. They will work harder to make their very own family good. While they will initially try to please their partners by being a great wife, you must understand that this doesn’t russian mail order brides mean they may always be powerful. Some may possibly struggle to prepare food and may need a few support post-marriage.

First, you should be prepared to carry out your write about of family chores. Many Russian brides include a strong perception of domesticity. While Western ladies put minor importance in cooking or perhaps doing laundry, these girls know that the men are definitely responsible for those duties. It’s a common misconception among Western females that young women should outsource these responsibilities to men. This is untrue! While your wife will probably benefit from helping out at home, you’ll need to prove to her that you’re competent of doing it yourself.

An european bride’s amount can often be hourglass formed, which means her body and waist are broad. To accentuate these kinds of features, she will select a dress having a low neckline and a tight skirt. While many Russian wedding brides like to check feminine, they’re as well not reluctant to show their sexy part. If you want a woman with an enviable hourglass figure, you will need to dress consequently.

Young Russian brides are extremely gullible and distrusting. You must show that you are a critical person to impress them. They won’t make the effort, and they don’t like a casual or lazy guy. So , likely to need to be very assured, but also humble and respectful. Everyone these days for your bride’s future. So , go ahead and choose a particular kind of Russian bride.

New Russian brides to be are naive and distrustful. You will need to prove to them that you are a serious person and will as well as settle for nearly anything. You should be allowed to demonstrate https://bible.org/question/what-does-bible-say-about-believers-dating-unbelievers that you are an important and trusted man. They will be very having faith in of you and will be extremely loyal to you personally. So , it can imperative that you be serious in your dealings with a Russian mail order star of the wedding.

You’ll have to jump out in terms of gifts. When you should think about your own personal style and budget, remember that a nice woman will always make you jealous of her wonder. Buying her a gift can make her happy. However , be sure to choose a useful present that she will be able to use and appreciate. You’ll want her to see the same things in you that you do. They’ll absolutely admire your gifts and make you feel special.