Наши млади писци поново блистали

  На овогодишњем конкурсу поводом Дечје недеље у организацији градске библиотеке „Светислав Вуловић“ из Ивањице ученици наше школе освојили су велики број награда. Награђени су:

Одељење 1/1 – одељењска награда; ментор Данка Вучићевић

Одељење 1/2 – одељењска награда; ментор Мирјана Араповић

Алекса Костић 2/2 – прва награда; ментор Мирјана Аничић

Никола Мојсиловић  3/1 – трећа награда; ментор Лела Ћурчић

Видан Милутиновић  3/2 – друга награда; ментор Оливера                                                                Ћојбашић

Дуња Дамљановић 4 разред – ментор Мирјана Калајановић

Емилија Костић V/1 – ментор Верица Костић

Дуња Јовановић VI/2 – ментор Верица Костић

Мина Сенић VIII/2 – ментор Радмила Костић

Јасмина Јовановић VIII/2 ментор Радмила Костић


Математичка олимпијада

На Дописној Архимедесовој математичкој олимпијади учествовао је велики број ученика наше школе. Најбоље резултате остварили су ученик петог разреда Игор Павловић који је освојио 92 поена и ученица шестог разреда Николина Мојсиловић која је освојила 90 поена. Обоје су заузели треће место и од МД „Архимедес“ добиће награде.

Advise for Writing a Sugar Baby Profile Which will Increase Your Likelihood of Success

There are a few tips for writing a sugar baby profile which will increase your chances of success. First of all, do not exaggerate or lie. Nearly all sugar daddies do not speak to glucose babies with out photos. The photos you upload needs to be professional, using a minimum of 4K resolution, along with high quality. Also, guarantee the picture is basic and is consumed your own personal country. It is necessary to provide a lot of information about yourself and your life-style.

Another tip is going to be honest and upfront about the interests and desires. Usually, sugar daddies aren’t in Get More Information the mood to get delving in what you want within a relationship. Rather, be immediate and specific about what you are looking for in a romance. Include information such as your age, height, hobbies, and most popular foods. When your account is finished, you can begin getting in touch with sugar daddies. Just remember that when you are honest, you will attract sugar daddies with ease.

Secondly, you ought to be clear about your intentions. Sweets daddies choose straight-talking sugar infants. They shouldn’t have the time to figure out what a sugar baby wants. You need to be direct and particular about what you are considering in a relationship. The more specific your goals are, the more likely it is actually that you’ll land to start a date with a wealthy man. The more detailed you are about what you’re looking for, a lot more likely it will be that the sugar daddy might contact you.

Another important idea is to produce your account in as much detail as is feasible. This way, sweets daddies will not confused about whatever you desire. Just be yourself. Women appreciate their significant others, and a sugar baby who can do the same may be a valuable spouse for their lives. In a nutshell, sweets daddies are looking for psychological relationships. You will need to make yourself appear for the reason that attractive as possible, but prevent rambling with regards to your own your life.

A sugar baby account is a great destination to advertise your https://sugar-daddies.us/texas/houston talents and interests. Ensure that you have 5 photos on the profile. Together with a head taken and two full-length photographs is also a good idea. Finally, make sure your photos are of high resolution and 4K quality. This will make an impression your potential sugar daddy. You can also post a few photos of yourself if you have a photo that you’ve taken your self.

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Creating a sugar baby profile is not as difficult as it can seem. An effective sugar baby profile includes several parts, including an informative bio, images, and a photo of the sweets baby. If you want to get a sugar baby, you should prevent trying to sell your self. Be realistic with regards to your desires, and become open and honest about your past. By following these tips, you’ll certainly be allowed to attract a sugar baby who will provide you with the money that you need to achieve your goals.