Традиционално на овај дан, школска слава Савиндан, обележена је свечано у нашој школи. Нажалост, због владајуће пандемије скуп је одржан без ученика и са минималним бројем присутних. Освећење славског колача и жита обавили су надлежни парох прилички Синиша Никитовић и вероучитељ школе парох радаљевски Аранђел Петровић. Свештеник Синиша  поздравио је све присутне и пожелео да кроз образовање сачувамо сопствени образ пратећи пут Светог Саве.


  Хуманост коју негујемо у нашој школи, међу ученицима и свим радницима, као и њихову креативност и машту, презентовали смо  3. и 4. јануара 2022. године на Хуманитарном базару. Хуманитарни базар организован  је  под руководством Општине Ивањица, а у сарадњи са дечијим вртићима, школама и Црвеним крстом. Овај базар имао је за циљ подизање свести о солидарности и хуманости међу децом и људима. Наша школа је са великим задовољством узела учешће у овој манифестацији која је одржана у центру града. Штандови свих учесника били су испуњени дечијим радовима, украсима, играчкама и слаткишима, али и са пуно љубави, радости и солидарности.


Delightful Slovakian Women

Slovakian females are considered to be intelligent and good housewives. These ladies almost all hold school degrees. Males often involve them simply because gold-diggers. Yet , they are in fact very hard-working and loyal. When you are serious about locating a bride out of this country, you must understand that you will have to setup some effort. Therefore , you should not be afraid to provide to do household chores and iron tops for her.

Slovak women own an enchanting personality and will make you think that https://www.theknot.com/content/long-distance-relationship-to-moving-closer royalty. You can even expect them to include a good spontaneity. They also love to party, to help you bet that you’ll have a good time in a Slovakian nightclub. You can always find a female in this metropolis who is looking for a particular date. The best thing regarding this country’s females is that they are extremely positive, and don’t want to be evaluated. These young women are also very attractive and will give you a number of pleasure in the act.

Dating a Slovakian female can be an remarkable knowledge. The Slovakian women are extremely gentle and respectful within the boundaries with their partners. They will surely fall in love with you if you can treat them very well. Besides, you are able to have a great time getting to know these people better. So , be sure to be kind and patient with them and you will find the right woman to suit your needs.

Having a Slovakian girlfriend is known as a great experience. These types of women can help you find a new which means in life. They may be kind, industrious and gentle, and many guys fall in love with them. They are the perfect decision for you if you are looking for a great woman to fall in love with. Should you be interested in reaching a Slovakian woman, you’ll glad you took the time to travel to them. They shall be sure to give you lots of fulfillment.

While you’re dating a Slovakian woman, remember that she has high standards. This means she fails to need a beautiful wardrobe or fancy rings. She defintely won’t be impressed whenever to be able to the right attitude. She will appreciate your time and efforts. In the same way, she’ll end up being impressed through the time to find out her better. She will become delighted that you just took the time to find out about her.

With regards to attractive females, Slovakian ladies are a great decision for the two men and singles. Not simply are these kinds of women beautiful, but might also fulfill the needs of the western https://relaxdating.com/the-best-slovakian-brides/ man. They’ll be very sugary, and have the most desirable wild hair and skin. They’re likewise extremely gorgeous and have great smiles. They seem to love positive connections and laugh a lot. They’re perfect for dating!